Do I Have a Casual Fever Or Coronvirus Symtomps?

While we are seeing the lowest pollution level globally, it’s time to enjoy the weather and nature.

The irony is that we don’t have that luxury right now. Because of the increase in tree pollen counts, people are falling sick even without having Coronavirus.

Fever or coronavirus

If you are also experiencing something like this, here’s how to tell the difference…

The symptoms of Hey fever are Sneezing, coughing, a runny or blocked nose, Itchy, red or watery eyes, Loss of smell, headache, earache, tiredness, and itchy throat, mouth, nose, and ears.

However, the symptoms of Covid19 are tiredness, aches, and pains, a sore throat, shortness of breath, and some people also reported diarrhea, nausea, and a runny nose.


10 Ways Doctors Protect Themselves From Viruses.

Medical staff casualties are the most painful ones. 

Here are the 10 ways how doctors protect themselves from viruses.

coronavirus response

  • They wash their hands consistently.
  • They keep their hands away from their face.
  • They use napkins or handkerchiefs for sneezing and coughing.
  • They don’t shake hands.
  • They try to get proper sleep.
  • They use disinfecting or sanitizing wipes.
  • They don’t wear a mask until they have to a patient.
  • Asking patients to confirm their symptoms before they meet them. 
  • They do not panic.
  • They screen patients before they come in.




Gloves, No Gloves or Which Gloves in Public?

If you have thought about wearing gloves when on public transport, shopping, or generally while in public, here are few pointers.

The first thing to consider about medical PPE, at present is that some products are still in short supply. Many First Responders and Health Professionals who need them are still facing scarce supply.

While First-Res still has access to most types of gloves, many people are still having trouble with gloves, as many factories are not able to ship new orders until December 2020.

Nitrile and Latex Gloves are the ones medical professionals need.

PVC gloves, also known as Vinyl gloves, are just as good for everyday use, and less in demand by those who need examination and other medical PPE gloves the most.

The next thing to remember is that gloves should be used in conjunction with hand washing and other hygiene protocols.

Especially remember to avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth, or using the bathroom, while wearing gloves you have touched anything in public.

Finally, wearing the same gloves all day may protect the wearer, however they will risk carrying COVID and other germs from one place to the next, which is the issue raised in this article below.

If you feel gloves are the best option for you, simply remove them as you leave one location, and put on a fresh pair.

…unlike the photo at the bottom of the article, please dispose of them responsibly.

Absolutely no gloves allowed inside store – management….

…..If you are wearing the same set of gloves all over town, you are carrying germs everywhere! Every door you touch, the cart, the supplies, your phone, your face.