Coronavirus First-Res

What Can You Do To Slow The COVID-19 Spread?

Roaming around with symptoms like sore throat, cough, and fever is not a good idea even if it if you aren’t sure it’s COVID-19.

The number one thing that we all can do and most people are doing is physical distancing.

It also includes not attending public gatherings and parties.

The next thing you should do is, stay away from people from recent travel history.

You should also try to avoid contact with any kind of symptoms and isolate yourself incase if you experiencing any such symptoms.


30 Surfaces To Suspect For Corona Infection!

You should be extremely careful with these 30 surfaces even if you are inside your home.

Here we go!

Covid 19

  1. Doorknobs
  2. Dishes
  3. Dirt in the pot
  4. Jewelry
  5. Silverware
  6. Mirrors
  7. Windows
  8. Countertops
  9. Phone
  10. Measuring cups
  11. Glass
  12. Furniture
  13. Deck
  14. Bus Seats
  15. Detergent Bottles
  16. Milk Containers
  17. Elevator Buttons
  18. Water Bottles
  19. Remote control
  20. Refrigerators
  21. Pots and Pans
  22. Sinks
  23. Backpacks
  24. Plastic Bags
  25. Cardboard Boxes
  26. Soda Cans
  27. Teakettles
  28. Pennies
  29. Steering Wheel
  30. Paper


Why People Are Having Skin Problems During Lockdown?

We all thought that less exposure to sun and pollution will keep our skin healthy. But we are seeing the opposite effect.

Here’s why people are having skin problems and how to fix it.

Lockdown Skin problems

The main reason for this problem is stress, a new diet, and deficiency of Vitamin D. 

To tackle this problem:

  1. Try to maintain a normal routine and give your skin a chance to breathe.
  2. Use a moisturizer.
  3. Make sure that you are getting enough sleep.
  4. Try to divert your attention to more positive things in life.
  5. Spend at least 10 to 15 minutes in the sun.

Make sure that you stay safe.