face masks First Res in usa

What Kind of FaceMask Will Protect You From Coronavirus

Wearing a mask used to be something Australians saw on television or holidays abroad, but now it could save your life or someone else’s.

So, it’s important to get it right and it turns out some of the advice we’ve been given could give us a dangerously false sense of security, especially if you don’t know you’re sick.

So, the question here is which mask will best protect you and which will protect the community from unknowing carriers of COVID-19?

first-res face Mask latest

Can DIY Fabric Face Masks Helps Fight The Spread of Coronavirus?

As we all know during this coronavirus pandemic all of us should be wearing masks. And, if you have a sewing machine perhaps you’ve made some DIY fabric face masks for yourself.

But the question here is do they work? And wearing them likely to do more harm?

There are two different studies to show that fabric masks may be effective for the general population, and one in health care workers that seems to show the opposite.

So the answer here is: it’s complicated.