Gloves First-Res latest 2021

Can Latex Gloves Protect From The Risk of Catching Deadly Coronavirus?

Since the corona outbreak began in January 2020, it has spread around the globe very fast.

What steps can people take to reduce the risk of catching the coronavirus, for eg: wearing a face mask and latex gloves?

Dr. Karan Raj said that wearing gloves could be contributing to the further spread of the virus.

World Health Organisation also has not advised people with latex to wear gloves or face masks to protect themselves.

Coronavirus First-Res

What Can You Do To Slow The COVID-19 Spread?

Roaming around with symptoms like sore throat, cough, and fever is not a good idea even if it if you aren’t sure it’s COVID-19.

The number one thing that we all can do and most people are doing is physical distancing.

It also includes not attending public gatherings and parties.

The next thing you should do is, stay away from people from recent travel history.

You should also try to avoid contact with any kind of symptoms and isolate yourself incase if you experiencing any such symptoms.


Do I Have a Casual Fever Or Coronvirus Symtomps?

While we are seeing the lowest pollution level globally, it’s time to enjoy the weather and nature.

The irony is that we don’t have that luxury right now. Because of the increase in tree pollen counts, people are falling sick even without having Coronavirus.

Fever or coronavirus

If you are also experiencing something like this, here’s how to tell the difference…

The symptoms of Hey fever are Sneezing, coughing, a runny or blocked nose, Itchy, red or watery eyes, Loss of smell, headache, earache, tiredness, and itchy throat, mouth, nose, and ears.

However, the symptoms of Covid19 are tiredness, aches, and pains, a sore throat, shortness of breath, and some people also reported diarrhea, nausea, and a runny nose.