first-res corona test kits

1,000 Fake COVID-19 Test Kits Seized By Customs Officers

Customs and Border Protection agency officers seized 1,000 fake COVID-19 test kits stuffed inside the suitcase of a man traveling to Mexico.

It’s not the first time the officers have busted fake COVID-19 test kits. In March, customs officers at the LA International Airport seized six bags full of small bottles labeled “Corona Virus 2019nconv (COVID-19)” and “Virus1 Test Kit.”

Federal authorities recently arrested a New York man who has sold stolen coronavirus test kits to people. A case against the owner of a website that sold fake coronavirus test kits.

first-res Brooklyn school

Brooklyn School Outraged By Coronavirus Is Now Fighting For Survival.

Gardening is said to be a teacher of patience. Flowers always take time to push their way up through soil that is not still conducive to growth. For one 14-year-old in Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood, it is an exercise in idealism, an attempt to distract.

Ember Charter’s website says its mission is to ignite, empower and transform people traditionally labeled “at-risk.”

Officials say the school itself could be at risk.
“The COVID-19 crisis has laid on top of it just the gargantuan amount of trauma for our students,” Kalam Id-Din said.

Gloves First-Res latest 2021

Can Latex Gloves Protect From The Risk of Catching Deadly Coronavirus?

Since the corona outbreak began in January 2020, it has spread around the globe very fast.

What steps can people take to reduce the risk of catching the coronavirus, for eg: wearing a face mask and latex gloves?

Dr. Karan Raj said that wearing gloves could be contributing to the further spread of the virus.

World Health Organisation also has not advised people with latex to wear gloves or face masks to protect themselves.