first-res Oil prices

Oil, Gasoline Price And Demand Rise As Countries Ease Coronavirus Barriers

Oil prices were on the rise on Friday, heading for a fourth straight week of gains. Also, fuel demand is growing as countries ease business and limitations that were imposed to stop the coronavirus pandemic.

West Texas Intermediate crude was up 5 cents, or 0.2%, at $33.97 a barrel, gained more than 1% in the last session. The US benchmark is on track for a weekly jump of around 15%.

first-res Brooklyn school

Brooklyn School Outraged By Coronavirus Is Now Fighting For Survival.

Gardening is said to be a teacher of patience. Flowers always take time to push their way up through soil that is not still conducive to growth. For one 14-year-old in Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood, it is an exercise in idealism, an attempt to distract.

Ember Charter’s website says its mission is to ignite, empower and transform people traditionally labeled “at-risk.”

Officials say the school itself could be at risk.
“The COVID-19 crisis has laid on top of it just the gargantuan amount of trauma for our students,” Kalam Id-Din said.

first-res working

NZ Company Says Four-day Work Week Is A Success – Caused By COVID-19

A New Zealand-based company that trialed for a four-day workweek announced that the experiment was a success and all the staff recording a significant impact on work-life balance while productivity is stable.
They are now making a plan to make the experiment permanent.

Similar experiments have been carried out in Sweden, although most centered around a six-hour workday.

But it is hard to use this rule in some areas like healthcare, regulatory departments, etc.

However, the four-day workweek could still be rolled out to a wide range of industries.

first-res face Mask latest

Can DIY Fabric Face Masks Helps Fight The Spread of Coronavirus?

As we all know during this coronavirus pandemic all of us should be wearing masks. And, if you have a sewing machine perhaps you’ve made some DIY fabric face masks for yourself.

But the question here is do they work? And wearing them likely to do more harm?

There are two different studies to show that fabric masks may be effective for the general population, and one in health care workers that seems to show the opposite.

So the answer here is: it’s complicated.

first-res Coronavirus Face Shield

A Minute Of Talking Can Generate 1,000 Coronavirus-Laden Droplets

As we can see that many people are researching and ramming continuously so as to get on a safe zone.  Many researchers and scientists are giving up their best. Why so?

The new study states about coronavirus i.e. ORAL FLUID. Earlier, the Researchers said that one milliliter of oral fluid contains approximately seven million copies of the virus. But now they say that when spoken out loud for just a minute can emit more than a thousand virus-containing droplets.

So, a better option is to wear a mask and to talk to anyone around. Also keep at one arm’s length as this would really work well.

Gloves First-Res latest 2021

Can Latex Gloves Protect From The Risk of Catching Deadly Coronavirus?

Since the corona outbreak began in January 2020, it has spread around the globe very fast.

What steps can people take to reduce the risk of catching the coronavirus, for eg: wearing a face mask and latex gloves?

Dr. Karan Raj said that wearing gloves could be contributing to the further spread of the virus.

World Health Organisation also has not advised people with latex to wear gloves or face masks to protect themselves.